Machine states
- GET /api/machines/states/
Get all state definitions.
- Returns:
an object mapping state definition ID to state definition object
- PUT /api/machines/states/
Create a new state definition.
- Reqjson:
a (partial) state definition, with at least
set- Status Codes:
201 Created – on success
400 Bad Request – if the new state definition is invalid
403 Forbidden – if the new state definition contains a machine state that is already mapped
- Returns:
the new MachineStateDef object
- PATCH /api/machines/states/(int: state_def_id)
Edit an existing state definition.
- Parameters:
state_def_id – the ID of the state definition to edit
- Status Codes:
404 Not Found – if the state definition does not exist
403 Forbidden – if the new
array contains a machine state that is already mapped
- Reqjson:
a (partial) MachineStateDef object
- Returns:
the modified MachineStateDef object
- DELETE /api/machines/states/(int: state_def_id)
Delete an existing machine state definition.
- Parameters:
state_def_id – the ID of the state definition to delete
- Status Codes:
404 Not Found – if the state definition does not exist
204 No Content – on success
- POST /api/machines/states/(int: source_state_def_id)/merge/(int: target_state_def_id)
Merge an existing machine state definition into another one.
This will transfer all machine states from the source state definition into the target state definition and then delete the source state definition. Any state history blocks using the source definition will be reassigned to the target definition.
- Parameters:
source_state_def_id – the ID of the state definition to merge and delete
target_state_def_id – the ID of the state definition to merge the source into
- Status Codes:
404 Not Found – if either of the source or target state definition IDs is invalid
- Returns:
the new state of the target state definition object