Shift Notes

GET /api/shiftNotes/list

Get the objects needing shift notes entry for the current shift on a machine.

Query Parameters:
  • machine_id (int) – the ID of the machine to get objects relating to (required)

  • shift_id (int) – the ID of the shift to get data for (required)

  • date (string) – get objects created on this date (format: YYYY-MM-DD) in local time (required)

Status Codes:
POST /api/shiftNotes/submit

Set the notes fields of many objects at once.

Query Parameters:
  • machine_id (int) – the ID of the machine to send a notification to (required)

  • shift_id (int) – the ID of the shift to submit notes for (required)

  • date (string) – the date (format: YYYY-MM-DD) in local time to submit notes for (required)

Status Codes:
GET /api/shiftNotes/submissions

Get shift notes submission history.

Query Parameters:
  • machine (int) – if set to the ID of a machine, only submissions for that machine will be returned.

  • shift (int) – if set to the ID of a shift, only submissions for that machine will be returned.

  • user (int) – if set to the ID of a user, only submissions for that machine will be returned.

  • start (float) – only submissions on or after this UNIX timestamp will be returned.

  • end (float) – only submissions on or before this UNIX timestamp will be returned.


an object mapping submission ID to ShiftNotesSubmission object

GET /api/shiftNotes/fields

Get all custom shift notes fields.


an object mapping shift notes field ID to ShiftNotesField object

PUT /api/shiftNotes/fields

Create a new custom shift notes field.


a (partial) ShiftNotesField object (at least a name is required)

Status Codes:

the new ShiftNotesField object

PATCH /api/shiftNotes/fields/(int: field_id)

Edit an existing custom shift notes field.

  • field_id – the ID of the field to edit

Status Codes:

a (partial) ShiftNotesField object


the modified ShiftNotesField object

DELETE /api/shiftNotes/fields/(int: field_id)

Delete an existing custom shift notes field.

  • field_id – the ID of the field to delete

Status Codes:
GET /api/shiftNotes/fields/(int: field_id)/values

Get entered values of a custom shift notes field.

Query Parameters:
  • machine_id (int) – get only values from the specified machine ID

  • limit (int) – maximum number of values to return

  • offset (int) – skip this many most recent values


a list of ShiftNotesValue objects sorted by shift date (not submission date) with the newest first