

class pytm4srv.models.Issue

A record of an ongoing issue.

additional_value: Mapped[float]

Manually-entered value for this issue to be added to the value calculated from downtime.

description: Mapped[str]

Long description of the issue or notes about it.

end: Mapped[datetime | None]

When the issue ended, or NULL if the issue is still happening.

The timestamp field is used for the start timestamp.

equipment_id: Mapped[int | None]

The ID of the equipment this issue is for.

Set to NULL for issues that apply to a machine or the shop as a whole instead of a particular piece of equipment.

Only one of machine_id or equipment_id may be set for a given issue.

id: MappedColumn object at 0x7efbf5375d80>]]

Unique ID across all issues.

machine_id: Mapped[int | None]

The ID of the machine this issue is for.

Set to NULL for issues that apply to the shop as a whole instead of a particular machine.

Only one of machine_id or equipment_id may be set for a given issue.

maintenance_item_id: Mapped[int | None]

The ID of the maintenance item that caused this issue by being neglected, if any.

name: Mapped[str]

Short name of the issue.

priority: Mapped[int]

The priority of this issue for sorting.

Allowed values are: - 1 = low - 2 = medium (default) - 3 = high

resolution: Mapped[str]

The action taken to resolve the issue. Can be entered when ending an issue for future documentation purposes.

solve_cost: Mapped[float | None]

Currency cost spent solving this issue.

tags: Mapped[List[str]]

List of tags that have been applied to this issue.

timestamp: Mapped[datetime]

When this issue was created.

user_id: Mapped[int]

The ID of the user who entered this issue.


GET /api/issues/

Get existing issues.

Use limit and offset to get only recent issues (results are queried newest to oldest, but the returned object is unordered).


Providing non-zero values for both machine_id and equipment_id will return issues assigned to any of the specified machines or pieces of equipment. All other query parameters are treated as and conditions.


Shop wide issues will be included when machine_id=0 and/or equipment_id=0.

Query Parameters:
  • limit (int) – limit the number of entries returned

  • offset (int) – skip this many entries

  • machine_id (int) – limit results to issues with this machine. Can be provided multiple times to include issues from multiple machines.

  • equipment_id (int) – limit results to issues with this equipment. Can be provided multiple times to include issues from multiple pieces of equipment.

  • bubble_equipment_issues (int) – set to 1 to also include issues related to any equipment that belongs to each specified machine_id, “bubbling up” issues from equipment to machines

  • item_id (int) – limit results to issues caused by neglecting a specific maintenance item. Use 0 to get issues with no item assigned. Can be provided multiple times to include issues for multiple items.

  • priority (int) – limit results to issues with this priority value (1..3). Can be provided multiple times to include issues with any of the provided priorities.

  • ended (int) – set to 0 to get only issues where end is not set or set in the future, or set to 1 to get only issues where end is set and in the past.

  • start (int) – only include issues timestamped on or after this time (UNIX timestamp)

  • end (int) – only include issues timestamped on or before this time (UNIX timestamp)

  • q – case-insensitive search for issue names and descriptions. If not empty, only issues containing this string will be included.

Status Codes:

a map of Issue ID to Issue object

GET /api/issues/(int: issue_id)

Get details for a single issue.

  • issue_id – the ID of the issue to get


the Issue object

Status Codes:
PUT /api/issues/

Create a new issue.


a Issue object

Status Codes:

the newly created Issue object

PATCH /api/issues/(int: issue_id)

Edit an existing issue.


a (partial) Issue object

Status Codes:

the modified Issue object

DELETE /api/issues/(int: issue_id)

Delete an existing issue.

Status Codes:
GET /api/issues/tags

Get all known issue tags and their colors.

Tool tag colors can be customized by setting the issue_tag_colors option.


an object with tags as keys and colors as values