
GET /api/tools/

Get an object mapping tool ID to tool.

Query Parameters:
  • durable (string) – set to durable to include only durable tools or consumable to exclude them

  • unassigned (int) – set to 1 to only include tools that are not assigned to a process

  • process (int) – set to a process ID to include only tools assigned to that process

  • machine (int) – set to a machine ID to include only tools in use by that machine’s currently loaded process

  • active (int) – set to 1 to include only tools assigned to any active process

  • inventory_item (int) – set to an inventory item ID to include only tools that use that item

  • assembly (int) – set to a ToolAssembly ID to get only tools that are in that assembly

  • favorite (int) – set to 1 to include only tools that the current user has marked as favorites

  • life (int) – set to 1 to calculate the average number of parts between replacements of each tool and return it as an additional average_tool_life field in each tool object. This slows down the request processing significantly, so only use it when necessary.

  • warn_life (int) – set to 1 to include only tools past their warning life threshold

  • usage_mode (int) – set to a usage mode value (numeric) to include only tools with that usage mode. Can be passed multiple times to include multiple usage modes. If not set, all usage modes are included.


The following parameters are mutually exclusive, so only one of them can be specified at a time:

  • unassigned

  • process

  • active

  • inventory_item

  • assembly

  • machine

Status Codes:
  • 400 Bad Request – if multiple mutually-exclusive filters are specified in the same request

  • 424 Failed Dependency – if the provided process, inventory_item, tool_assembly, or machine ID does not exist.


a JSON object mapping tool IDs to tool objects

GET /api/tools/(int: tool_id)

Get data about a single tool.

  • tool_id – The tool to query


the tool object

Status Codes:
PUT /api/tools/

Create a new tool.


a (partial) tool object


the new tool object

Status Codes:
PATCH /api/tools/(int: tool_id)

Edit an existing tool to set new data.

The request body should be a (partial) tool object.


Certain users may not be able to set all fields. Errors will be silently ignored.
















part_life, warn_life
























Request JSON Object:
  • life_modification_notes (string) – if any expected life fields have been modified, text provided here will be saved in the tool life change record.

  • tool_id – The ID to the tool to modify

Status Codes:

the modified tool object

DELETE /api/tools/(int: tool_id)

Delete an existing tool.

  • tool_id – The ID of the tool to delete

Status Codes:
GET /api/tools/(int: tool_id)/replacements

Get the replacement history for a tool.

Query Parameters:
  • limit (int) – maximum number of items to return (defaults to all). More recent replacements are returned first.

  • offset (int) – skip past this many results

  • tool_id – The ID of the tool to query.


an object mapping replacement ID to replacement object

Status Codes:
GET /api/tools/(int: tool_id)/lifeHistory

Get the life history for a tool.

Query Parameters:
  • start (float) – get only changes made to this tool’s life on or after the given UNIX timestamp

  • end (float) – get only changes made to this tool’s life on or before the given UNIX timestamp

  • tool_id – ID of the tool to get the life history for

Status Codes:

an object mapping ToolLifeRecord ID to ToolLifeRecord

GET /api/tools/(int: tool_id)/replace

Get the information needed to prompt for a tool replacement.

  • tool_id – the ID of the tool that will be replaced

Status Codes:
Response JSON Object:
  • default_inventory_point_id (int) – The ID of the default inventory point to take an item from, or null.

  • last_replacement – the Tool’s most recent ToolReplacement object or null if it has never been replaced

POST /api/tools/(int: tool_id)/replace

Mark a tool as replaced and add an entry to its history.

An image can be uploaded to the newly created tool replacement record using POST /api/tools/replacements/<id>/image.

Query Parameters:
  • forceSub (int) – set to 1 to reassign substitute tools that are already in another assembly instead of returning an error

  • tool_id – the ID of the tool to replace

Request JSON Object:
  • reason (int) – why the tool is being replaced. See the reason field of the ToolReplacement model for allowed values.

  • condition (int) – the state of the old tool that is being replaced. See the condition field of the ToolReplacement model for details.

  • notes (string) – user-supplied notes to save with this tool replacement.

  • indexed (bool) – whether the tool was indexed (inventory will not be subtracted)

  • substitute (int) – when replacing tools, this can be set to the ID of another tool to move into this one’s place. If this field is non-null, the rebuilt tool will be removed from its assembly and the tool whose ID was specified here will be added in its place. Note that the replacement object will still be recorded for the tool that has tool_id.

  • maintenance_status (int) – set the maintenance status of the tool

  • inv_pt (int) – ID of the inventory point the replacement came from

  • timestamp (float) – a UNIX timestamp to override the replacement timestamp (which defaults to the current time if not specified). This timestamp must be later than that of the previous replacement of this tool (if one exists) but not later than the current time. The replacement’s part and time counters will only account for production up until this timestamp, and any production after this timestamp will be left on the tool’s active counters.

Response JSON Object:
  • tool – the tool object that was replaced with reset counters

  • replacement – the tool replacement history object that was created

  • substitute – if substitute was set in the request object, this field in the response will contain the tool that is taking the rebuilt tool’s place, and is now in its assembly.

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • list (string) – post-replacement checklist

Status Codes:
  • 400 Bad Request – if the tool was not indexed and the inventory point is missing or does not have at least one of this tool, or if it runs out of corners to index

  • 403 Forbidden – if the current user is not allowed to replace a tool with the data provided

  • 404 Not Found – if the tool doesn’t exist

  • 409 Conflict – if the substitute tool is in an assembly

  • 424 Failed Dependency – if substitute is set to an invalid tool ID

  • 425 – if the tool’s usage is less than the value set in the tool_replacement_min_usage option

POST /api/tools/bulkAdjustPartCount

Adjust the part count of multiple tools.

Request JSON Object:
  • count (int) – positive adds to the part count, negative decreases it

Request JSON Array of Objects:
  • tools (int) – list of tool IDs to modify


a JSON object of modified tools

POST /api/tools/bulkChangeTags

Adds and/or removes tags across multiple tools.

Tags will not be duplicated on tools that already have one or more of the new tags. If a tag is present in both add and remove, it will be removed.

Request JSON Array of Objects:
  • tools (int) – list of tool IDs to modify

  • add (string) – list of tags to add

  • remove (string) – list of tags to remove


a JSON object of modified tools

POST /api/tools/updatePartLife

Update the part life of all selected tools to their calculated average life.

Request JSON Array of Objects:
  • int – list of tool IDs to update


a JSON object containing all updated tools, keyed by tool ID

GET /api/tools/(int: tool_id)/dayCount/(force_type)

Get the day count of a tool for any type of day counting, not just the one it has set.

  • tool_id – the ID of the tool to query

  • force_type – the type of day counting to use


the number of days the tool has been in use

Status Codes:
GET /api/tools/(int: tool_id)/processLife

Get a single tool’s usage and life for each process that uses it.

  • tool_id – the ID of the tool to get information about


an object mapping process ID (or "" for the tool’s intrinsic life without a process) to ToolProcessLife object.

Status Codes:
PATCH /api/tools/(int: tool_id)/processLife/(int: process_id)

Edit a single tool’s usage and life for a single process. :param tool_id: the ID of the tool to edit life for :param process_id: the ID of the process to edit this tool’s life for :return: the created or modified ToolProcessLife object :status 404: if the tool and/or process IDs are invalid

GET /api/tools/import

Get a copy of the tool import template that can be filled in to bulk import tools.


an XLTX file

POST /api/tools/import

Upload a filled-in copy of the tool import template.

The request body should be the binary file.

Query Parameters:
  • process (int) – if provided, tool assemblies created during this import will be assigned to the process with this ID.

Status Codes:

maps tool ID to new tool object

GET /api/tools/(int: obj_id)/image

Get the current image file of the Tool.

  • obj_id – ID of the Tool to get the image for

Status Codes:

the image file, with the Content-Type header set to its MIME type

POST /api/tools/(int: obj_id)/image

Upload a new image file for the Tool.

The request body should be an image file, and the Content-Type header should contain its MIME type.

  • obj_id – ID of the Tool to set the image for

Status Codes:

the modified Tool

DELETE /api/tools/(int: obj_id)/image

Remove the image from the Tool.

  • obj_id – ID of the Tool to clear the image from

Status Codes:

the modified Tool

Tool Replacements

GET /api/tools/replacements/process/(int: process_id)

Get the data to chart the replacement history for all tools assigned to a process.

The output format is an object mapping tool ID to the Tool object, but with an added replacements field that is an object mapping tool replacement ID to ToolReplacement object.

Output format
     "17": {
         "id": 17,
         "replacements": {
             "31895": {
                 "id": 31895,
                 "tool_id": 17,

It is strongly recommended to set start and end as the returned data can get quite large and require several seconds to generate for large time spans.

  • process_id – the ID of the process to query

Query Parameters:
  • start (int) – Optional, UNIX timestamp. Only replacements at or after this time will be returned

  • end (int) – Optional, UNIX timestamp. Only replacements at or before this time will be returned


an object mapping tool ID to replacement objects

Status Codes:
PATCH /api/tools/replacements/(int: repl_id)

Edit an existing tool replacement.

The request body should be a (partial) ToolReplacement object. Omitted fields will not be changed.

Status Codes:
  • 403 Forbidden – if the request is blocked from changing the replacement’s testing value

  • 404 Not Found – if the tool replacement does not exist

DELETE /api/tools/replacements/(int: repl_id)

Delete a single tool replacement.

The current state of the tool will not be affected unless undo is set, in which case the replacement’s part count will be added to the tool’s part count and, if the tool was not indexed, one will be added back to the inventory point that was selected during replacement. This can only be used when deleting the most recent replacement of a given tool.

Query Parameters:
  • undo (int) – set to 1 to undo the replacement on the tool when deleting it

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not Found – if the replacement does not exist

  • 409 Conflict – if undo was set but the tool has a more recent replacement

  • 202 Accepted – if undo was set but the tool for this replacement does not exist. This should be an impossible case as replacements are deleted with their tool.

  • 204 No Content – on success

GET /api/tools/replacements/(int: obj_id)/image

Get the current image file of the ToolReplacement.

  • obj_id – ID of the ToolReplacement to get the image for

Status Codes:

the image file, with the Content-Type header set to its MIME type

POST /api/tools/replacements/(int: obj_id)/image

Upload a new image file for the ToolReplacement.

The request body should be an image file, and the Content-Type header should contain its MIME type.

  • obj_id – ID of the ToolReplacement to set the image for

Status Codes:

the modified ToolReplacement

DELETE /api/tools/replacements/(int: obj_id)/image

Remove the image from the ToolReplacement.

  • obj_id – ID of the ToolReplacement to clear the image from

Status Codes:

the modified ToolReplacement

Tool Assemblies

GET /api/tools/assemblies/

Get all current tool assemblies.

Query Parameters:
  • process (int) – if set, only tool assemblies with the specified process ID will be returned.

  • shared (int) – if set to 1, shared tool assemblies from other processes on the same machine as the specified process will be included. Ignored if process is not specified.

Status Codes:

an object mapping IDs to assembly objects

PUT /api/tools/assemblies/

Create a new tool assembly.


partial ToolAssembly object (name is required, everything else is optional)

Status Codes:

the new assembly object

PATCH /api/tools/assemblies/(int: asm_id)

Edit an existing assembly.

  • asm_id – the ID of the assembly to edit


the modified assembly object.

Status Codes:
DELETE /api/tools/assemblies/(int: asm_id)

Delete a tool assembly.

  • asm_id – the ID of the assembly to delete

Status Codes:
POST /api/tools/assemblies/(int: asm_id)/duplicate

Duplicate a tool assembly.

  • asm_id – the ID of the original assembly to duplicate

Request JSON Array of Objects:
  • tools (int) – optional list of tool IDs to place into the new assembly. Tools listed must not already be in an assembly.


the new assembly object


the new ToolAssembly object

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – on success

  • 400 Bad Request – if any tools referenced in provided fields do not exist or are already used in an assembly

  • 404 Not Found – if the original assembly does not exist

Example request body:

POST /api/tools/assemblies/(int: asm_id)/addTools

Add tools to an assembly.

Any tools that are already in the assembly will be silently ignored.

  • asm_id – the ID of the target assembly

Request JSON Array of Objects:
  • tools (int) – list of tool IDs to add


the modified assembly object

Status Codes:
GET /api/tools/assemblies/(int: asm_id)/replacements

Get the replacement history for a tool.

Query Parameters:
  • limit (int) – maximum number of items to return (defaults to all). More recent replacements are returned first.

  • offset (int) – skip past this many results

  • asm_id – The ID of the tool assembly to query.


an object mapping replacement ID to replacement object

Status Codes:
POST /api/tools/assemblies/(int: asm_id)/merge

Merge several source tool assemblies into this one destination tool assembly. This will move all tools from the source assemblies into the destination assembly, and then delete the now-empty source assemblies.

  • asm_id – the ID of the destination assembly


list of source assembly IDs


destination assembly object after the merge

Status Codes:
GET /api/tools/assemblies/(int: obj_id)/image

Get the current image file of the ToolAssembly.

  • obj_id – ID of the ToolAssembly to get the image for

Status Codes:

the image file, with the Content-Type header set to its MIME type

POST /api/tools/assemblies/(int: obj_id)/image

Upload a new image file for the ToolAssembly.

The request body should be an image file, and the Content-Type header should contain its MIME type.

  • obj_id – ID of the ToolAssembly to set the image for

Status Codes:

the modified ToolAssembly

DELETE /api/tools/assemblies/(int: obj_id)/image

Remove the image from the ToolAssembly.

  • obj_id – ID of the ToolAssembly to clear the image from

Status Codes:

the modified ToolAssembly

Tool Inventory

Tool Ordering